Acerca De Primera base que jugó para los Cleveland Indians desde el 2014 hasta el 2016 y luego se unió a los Milwaukee Brewers en el 2017. Tiene más de 80.000 seguidores en su cuenta de Instagram, jaguilarmke.
Antes de la Fama Firmó con los Cleveland Indians como agente libre en noviembre del 2007.
Curiosidades Jugó con los Columbus Clippers de la Clase AAA de la Liga Internacional en el 2014. Read More...
Instagram model and influencer who has amassed more than 800,000 followers on the platform for her racy photos. She has also starred in the "Nude" music video by artist Moriece. She has shared exclusive content with her fans on OnlyFans.
Before Fame She worked as a nightclub dancer at the Aces New York venue.
Trivia She's frequently posted gym selfies and fitness photos. She frequently travels, in 2019 she visited Jamaica on a vacation. Read More...
2010-12-14T08:00:00Z The run on land in the expanding Alberta Bakken Formation play has given a leg up to the exploration and production (E&P) companies that got in early. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, Senior Analyst Kirk Wilson of Calgary-based Clarus Securities details the best and the brightest prospects seeking light oil in the western Bakken.The Energy Report: Kirk, please tell us what you typically cover in the oil and gas (O&G) sector. Read More...